Knupp Gallery Prague
Revoluční 17 Prague 1
Vrnissage 12.4.2022
12.4.2022 - 14.5.2022
Contemporary Czech realistic and figurative Paintings
Group exhibition of paintings from collection of FeiglGallery
Dea ORH concept store Praha
3.5.2019 - 15.6.2019
Galerie VOKNO
Old Mill in Osvračín come to life with a contemporary czech art.
The space was full of sculptures, drawings, graphics, photography and paintings.
26.5.2018 - 30.10.2018
Galerie Vokno
Mill Osvračín, okr. Domažlice
17.year of conteporary Artfair
10.4.2018 - 15.4.2018
Calm-Gallas pallace
Collective exhibition
Chemistry gallery.
Symblic farewell to creative hub in Bubenská 1
Instalation of interactive, digitally manipulated picture.
on festival of new technologies futureport 2017.
With support from asociation of virtual and augumented reality.
In Prague, Holešovice.
Solo exhibition mapping last 10 years of my painting.
Prague, Tussarova 31.
10.7. 2017 - 20.8.2017
Collective exhibion of paintings
in Quardio
Fine art meets fine dinnig
Solo exhibition of Paintings in luxury space
of Sasazu Restaurant.
Prague, Holešovice.
1.3. 2016 - 31.3.2016
Multimedial exhibition in The Chemistry Gallery
Featuring mainly large format oilpaintigs.
Most of paintings were part of my diploma works.
Exposition was also enhanced by
digital interactive instalation of REFLEKTOR.
od 20.3. 2015 to 11.4.2015
Diplomanti Avu 2014
Exhibition of graduates of Academy of fine arts in Prague
Prague Art fair pallace
27.6.2014 to 3.8.2014
Studenti a absolventi pražské AVU,
ateliér klasické malby prof. Zdeňka Berana
ateliér klasické malby prof. Zdeňka Berana
Exhibition of students and graduates
from prof. Zdenek Beran´s atelier of classical painting.
Vernisage 14. 8. 2012 from 17:00
15.8.2012 - 28.10.2012
Muzeum středního Pootaví Strakonice
Zámek 1, 386 01 Strakonice
Bezručova Opava- vesmíry vnitřní vesmíry vnější
9 paintings and 8 drawings exhibited on already 54.year of Opava festival . Bezručova Opava with subtitle Vesmíry vnitřní vesmíry vnější. Exhibition name "Mezi dvěma světy" ("betwen two worlds").
duration of exhibition from 7. 9. to 2. 10. 2011;
Event of vernisage hapend 7. 9. 2011 17.00 h.
In galerie Obecního domu.
festival's website.
Svatováclavské kejklování
The friday 24.9.2010 colective vernisage of paintings by Marek Kolář and photos by Zuzana Veselá Started a multigenre thetre festival called Svatováclavské kejklování.
in Mladotice u Ronova nad Doubravou.
Figurama 10
travelling exhibition Figurama 10 showed works of students and Teachers from 13 universities. Two of my drawing took it's honorable place among the works of artist from Valencie, Buffalo, Katowic, Pozaň, Bratislava a Banská Bystrica.
exhibition started in Academi of arts Banská Bystrica
From od 18.1.2008 to 23.1. 2008 works of 25 artists transformed a former intustry hall into a Gallery space.
Show featured works of painting, drawing, photograpy, traditional graphics techniques, performances, sound and video installations.
Whole idea of project called Pod Čarou was to support rejected aspirants to art universities.
Second volume exhibition of rejected aspirants to art universities.
Stared in a industrial space of former traffo station in TRAFAČKA.
Vernisage started with a energizing sound of Okamžitý filmový orchestr .
In my opinion whole exhibition was real succes.
First official solo exhibition called "obrazy nejen z cest "
pictures not only from travels
it took place in small cafegallery called HIDDEN in Prague. Vernisage was very crowdy for small capacity of space.
It Has Very nice and friendly atmosphere.
Obrazy nejen z cest
First official solo exhibition called "obrazy nejen z cest "
pictures not only from travels
it took place in small cafegallery called HIDDEN in Prague. Vernisage was very crowdy for small capacity of space.
It Has Very nice and friendly atmosphere.
© copyright Marek Kolář